Medium shot of Wall of Remembrance for Holocaust Victims with Photos. Kielce, Poland - April 1, 2019.
Aerial view of Auschwitz Birkenau, a concentration camp in Poland
Prison building from eastern bloc during communist era (1940s, 1950s).
Arbeit Macht Frei - Auschwitz Concentration Camp - barracks and barbed wire
Holocaust train in Romania - low angle
Holocaust train in Romania - scenic
Close up view of wire fence from a Concentration Camp - Germany
Barbed wire fence with lamp from a Concentration Camp - Germany
Auschwitz Concentration Camp - barracks and barbed wire
Aerial Germany Berlin June 2018 Sunny Day 90mm Zoom 4K Inspire 2 Prores Aerial video of downtown Berlin in Germany on a sunny day with a zoom lens.
Prison building from eastern bloc during communist era (1940s, 1950s).
Thousands of skulls in long rows remember the genocide in Rwanda.
Crematorium interior at Dachau concentration camp 4k
Prison building from eastern bloc during communist era (1940s, 1950s).
Victims cemetery at Gherla in remembrance of the suffering and deaths during the Communist regime of Romania.
Details of holocaust train in Romania - ECU
Aerial view of Auschwitz Birkenau, a concentration camp in Poland
Babi Yar in Kiev, Ukraine - Holocaust memorial
Watchtower from a Concentration Camp, near Munich, Germany.
Concentration Camp - pavilion and fence 2
Aerial view of Auschwitz Birkenau, a concentration camp in Poland
Arbeit Macht Frei - steel door entrance at Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany
Barbed wire fence from a Concentration Camp - Germany
Prison building from eastern bloc during communist era (1940s, 1950s).
Dormitory from a Concentration Camp in Germany - cca. 1945
Auschwitz Concentration Camp - barracks and barbed wire
Concentration Camp - barbed wire travelling
Twisted memorial structure at Dachau concentration camp 4k
Arbeit Macht Frei - steel door entrance at Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany
Prison cell doors closing.
Victims cemetery at Gherla in remembrance of the suffering and deaths during the Communist regime of Romania.
Berlin, Germany - April 5, 2024: The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Holocaust Memorial, a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust
Bunk beds from a Concentration Camp in Germany - handheld shot
Prison building from eastern bloc during communist era (1940s, 1950s).
Toilets from a Concentration Camp Germany, cca. 1945
Concentration Camp - barbed wire
View through the window in Dachau Concentration Camp - Germany
Aerial view of Auschwitz Birkenau, a concentration camp in Poland
Conceptual image about struggle for freedom, is represented with red poppy flower and rusty barbed wire. The clip can illustrate Persecution of Christians in the Eastern Bloc.
4K Uhd Jews Pray At The Western Wall During The Passover Holiday
Door detail of holocaust train in Romania - ECU
Wagons of a holocaust train in Romania
Living and sleeping quarters at Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany.
Berlin, Germany - April 5, 2024: The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, the Holocaust Memorial, a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust
Concentration Camp - fence 1
Auschwitz Concentration Camp - barracks and barbed wire