View of downtown Asheville, North Carolina facing south south west in the winter with snow in the blue ridge mountains
Timelapse of the city lights of Asheville, North Carolina at night
Timelapse of the city lights of Asheville, North Carolina at night
Timelapse of a lake in the Blue Ridge Mountains, NC in the autumn
Dolly wide establishing shot of Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville North Carolina that are part of the Appalachian Mountains and Smoky mountains with dried flowers, grass, and foliage in foreground with blue sky and clouds in background.
Autumn POV driving shot of the Blue Ridge Parkway through North Carolina at sunset
NORWAY, DRAMMEN - SEPT 9, 2021: The central streets of Drammen, a city and municipality in Norway, in the province of Buskerud
Autumn POV driving shot of the Blue Ridge Parkway through North Carolina at sunset
Autumn POV driving shot of the Blue Ridge Parkway through North Carolina at sunset
Timelapse of Asheville, North Carolina in the morning
ASHEVILLE, NC - OCT 16, 2016: Autumn POV driving shot of travelers on the the Blue Ridge Parkway
Establishing shot of an 8 - 10 story building such as a hospital, government, or administration building built on top of a parking lot with a USA and NC flag blowing in the wind - dolly shot
Ext establishing shot of a modern emergency room hospital tilt up during the day built in 2019
A Blue and Pink Dusk Fades to night overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains
Picturesque valley with yellow meadows and giant cold mountains with white peaks. Creative. Snow covered hills in a morning haze.
Modern hospital exterior establishing shot at night with a red emergency sign and with lights turning on and off in some of the hospital rooms - locked down
Slow pan of trees with colorful changing yellow leaves blowing in the wind in slow motion
Autumn driving shot of the Blue Ridge Parkway at sunset
NORWAY, DRAMMEN - SEPT 9, 2021: The central streets of Drammen, a city and municipality in Norway, in the province of Buskerud
Camera following a man hiking in the forest during the fall season - stabilized shot
Camera moving slowly through the forest during the autumn POV stabilized shot
Establishing shot of downtown Asheville filmed from the South looking North - revealing push in shot filmed through iron bars during sunset or sunrise
Autumn POV driving shot into Asheville, NC at sunset
Wider establishing dolly shot of a hospital, administration or office building, built on top of a three story parking garage
Ext establishing shot of a modern emergency room hospital during the day with no traffic or people - locked down static shot
Autumn POV driving shot of the Blue Ridge Parkway through North Carolina at sunset
Timelapse of Asheville, North Carolina in the morning
Timelapse of the city lights of Asheville, North Carolina at night
Timelapse of the city lights of Asheville, North Carolina at night
Autumn POV driving shot of the Blue Ridge Parkway through North Carolina at sunset
Green and white medivac helicopter leaving a hospital roof during the day
Autumn POV driving shot of the Blue Ridge Parkway through North Carolina at sunset
ASHEVILLE, NC, USA - OCTOBER 26 2018 - Man walks up to a woman polling at an election voting location and begins talking with her
Close up of a male doctor with a full beard in a white lab coat communicating with his mobile phone outside a Hospital during the day
Man tying his shoelaces on his hiking boots in the forest during the fall
White dogwood and azalea flower blossoms in the springtime in a forest setting with the setting sun and lens flare
Slow push through iron bars revealing a mountain sunrise or sunset with rack focus from bars to the distance representing breakthrough or clear vision
Flying over residential community towards Asheville
Autumn driving shot of the Blue Ridge Parkway at sunset
Autumn POV driving shot of the Blue Ridge Parkway through North Carolina at sunset
Continuous focus push in shot of mountains during sunrise or sunset
Slow motion video of a man jumping over a mountain gap
ASHEVILLE, NC UNITED STATES - CIRCA APRIL 2020 - Male farm worker wearing a mask and gloves maintaining appropriate social distancing while helping customers in their car during COVID-19
Autumn POV driving shot above the Blue Ridge Mountains
ASHEVILLE, UNITED STATES - CIRCA NOVEMBER 2019 - Slow dolly of a variety of apple juices in plastic bottles in a supermarket
Man taking a drink from a metal water bottle while taking a quick break from hiking in the woods during the autumn
Male doctor talking and nodding his head yes while standing outside a hospital during the day and drinking coffee
Footage with the appearance of drunk driving is captured under a highway freeway pass at night, with a shaky camera